Friday, 24 May 2019

Monday, 13 May 2019

Horse Riding Holiday

Horse Riding Holiday

During the school holidays my Mum and Dad drove me to my pony’s paddock to go for a ride on him.  My pony is called Goldie.  Mum helped me put the saddle on Goldie.  Mum starts by putting gloves on.  I put gloves on too so we could both pick up the poo! Goldies a palomino.
Mum was leading me down the road but then I had a ride by myself.  This is called off lead.  Goldie neighs a lot because he likes being ridden.  We rode to our Nana’s house and back.  When we got back to the paddock I put Goldie in his paddock then I ran across the paddock and I called his name and he trotted straight over to me. 
I went to the horse show with him. He got two 2nds and one 4th. When it was Lily's turn to go on Goldie, Goldie got one 2nd and one 4th. When it was Sam’s turn to go on Goldie, Goldie got two 4ths. Goldie had to stay the night at the horse show with other horse’s. Goldies a pony. The next day there was show jumping. I didn't do the show jumping because I don't know how to jump on Goldie.